Point of View March 19, 2019 : Stephen Predtechenskis, Jim Bolthouse, Steve Cleary

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Kerby Anderson is our host! His first guest is Stephen Predtechenskis, head of Hidalgo Ministries. Stephen will be in-studio to talk about reflecting Christ’s love and truth in our communities. Then, Jim Bolthouse, Founder and President of The Presidential Prayer Team will join Kerby to talk about praying for our leaders. Kerby’s final guest is Steve Cleary. He will be in studio to share his latest film, The Pilgrim’s Progress. Plus, Kerby will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America and around the world. Don’t miss even a second!

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View March 18, 2019 : Kathy Ward, Chuck Branch, Chad Hennings, Joel & Nina Schmidgall

Monday, March 18, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Kerby will talk to Kathy Ward & Chuck Branch about the Collin County Lincoln Day Dinner. Then Chad Hennings will join Kerby in-studio to share the most recent news from Promise Keepers. Finally, Joel and Nina Schmidgall will be in studio to discuss their new book, Praying Circles Around Your Marriage.

This is an all-star line up, so please plan accordingly. Call us at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with your opinion or comments.

Point of View March 15, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, March 15, 2019

Today is our weekend edition with Kerby Anderson! His co-hosts are First Liberty’s Keisha Russel and Lathan Watts. They will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America and around the world. Don’t miss even a second!

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View March 14, 2019 : Joel C. Rosenberg, Timothy Mahoney

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Host, Kerby Anderson welcomes back in-studio New York Times bestselling author Joel C. Rosenberg. They will discuss Joel’s new book, The Persian Gamble.

And then he will speak with Timothy Mahoney, director, producer, and founder of Thinking Man Films. Tim will share his newest film: Patterns of Evidence: The Moses Controversy.

Kerby has the latest news and information and will share it with a biblical perspective. Please call 800-351-1212 or post on facebook at www.facebook.com






Point of View March 13, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. His co-hosts are First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman and Keisha Russell. And they will talk with Cole Feix, president of So We Speak, a media company whose mission is to give us an informed voice to speak life to those around us.

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.






Point of View March 12, 2019 : Van Taylor, Cary Solomon, Albert L. Reyes

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Today on our show Kerby will talk with Van Taylor, US Representative from Texas, District 3. Kerby’s next guests are Chuck Konzelman and Cary Solomon, the directors of the upcoming film Unplanned. Kerby’s final guest is Dr. Albert L. Reyes, President and CEO of Buckner International. Buckner International ministry is dedicated to transforming the lives of orphans, vulnerable children, families and senior adults.

We would like to hear your opinions. Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View March 11, 2019 : Jonathan Saenz, Andy Keener, Larry Moyer

Monday, March 11, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Kerby will talk to Jonathan Saenz about the #banthebible campaign. Kerby’s second guest is Andy Keener from Wycliffe Bible Translators, who will be on-air to talk about Wycliffe’s efforts to save languages from extinction. Point of View’s final guest is Dr. Larry Moyer, Founder and CEO of EvanTell. They will talk about Evangelism, answering questions about evangelism classes being taught in seminary and about an upcoming luncheon.

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View March 8, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, March 8, 2019

Today is our weekend edition with Kerby Anderson! His co-hosts are First Liberty’s Kelly Shackelford and Lathan Watts. They will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America. Don’t miss even a second!

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.






Point of View March 7, 2019 : Bob Hall, Paul Barreca, Sue Bohlin, Anne Paulk

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Kerby Anderson is our host for today’s show. His first guest is Texas Senator Bob Hall from east of Dallas, who will share the good and the alarming legislation this season in Texas. Later in the show we will hear from Paul Barreca director of Fellowship International Mission in Allentown, PA. He and Kerby will talk about an upcoming trip to Israel and how you might go, too. Kerby’s final guest today is Sue Bohlin from Probe Ministries and Anne Paulk from Restored Hope Network. These ladies and Kerby will discuss gender dysphoria.

We treasure your participation so call at 800-351-1212 or join us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View March 6, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. His co-host is men’s minister David Fraga. They will give us the Millennial take on what’s happening – from the latest media gaff to politics to what’s happening in the nation.

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View March 5, 2019 : Ray Bohlin, Robert Lopez

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Today’s exceptional show is hosted by our own Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Ray Bohlin from Probe Ministries. They will talk about climate change. Kerby’s second guest is Dr. Robert Lopez who will share details of the book, “The New Normal.”

We need you to please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with any comments.





Point of View March 4, 2019 : Jeff Younger, Jonathan Saenz, Frank Wright, Carmen Pate

Monday, March 4, 2019

Guest-Host Penna speaks with Jeff Younger about the very important issue of saving James! Then Jonathan Saenz from Texas Values will have 30 minutes to share the latest from Texas politics. Penna’s next guest is Dr. Frank Wright who will speak about Socialism. In the final hour, Carmen Pate will be in-studio to tell her story, “In Our Weakness, God is Strong.”

Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View March 1, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, March 1, 2019

Today is our weekend edition with Kerby Anderson! His co-host is Penna Dexter. They will be joined by First Liberty’s President and CEO, Kelly Shakelford. Kelly is just back from presenting oral arguments to the US Supreme Court. Kelly will share  procedures and the expectations in the Bladensburg Cross case. And, together, they will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 28, 2019 : Pam Johnson, Susan Packard, Jon Gordon

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Point of View has a great show lined up for you today!

Host Kerby Anderson welcomes Pam Johnson and Susan Packard to talk about 4Word Women and their upcoming Gala. Then Kerby will speak with Jon Gordon about his latest book, “The Power Of a Positive Team.”

Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 27, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. His co-host is our own Kerby Anderson. In the first hour Nick will welcome Girien Salazar to tell us about the Faith and Education Coalition. Then Nick and Kerby will be giving us the latest on all relevant things.

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.






Point of View February 26, 2019 : Briscoe Cain, Vance Ginn, Jason Yates, Allan Parker

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Penna Dexter is guest hosting today! First, she will welcome Briscoe Cain who will share information on the current legislative session. Then she’ll speak with Dr. Vance Ginn about property tax reform. Then Jason Yates will join Penna in studio to talk about My Faith Votes. Her final guest is Allan Parker, President of The Justice Foundation, he’ll tell us about the Moral Outcry project.

Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 25, 2019 : George Lynch, Jason Benham, David & Kelli Pritchard

Monday, February 25, 2019

Our host, Kerby Anderson has a very busy show today. So, don’t miss a minute.

His first guest is George Lynch of Traffick911. George will give us the latest on Child Sex Trafficking. Kerby’s guest at 1PM (CST) is Jason Benham. Jason and his brother have a new book, “Bold and Broken.”  Kerby’s final guests are the husband and wife duo, David & Kelli Pritchard from Axis Ministries. David and Kelli have a heart for restoring marriages & families.

We would like to hear your opinions. Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 22, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, February 22, 2019

Welcome to our Weekend Edition show. Today, Kerby is joined by Lawyer & Political Consultant Debbie Georgatos and First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman. During the first hour they will talk with Feleceia Benton. She will tell us all about the upcoming World Down Syndrome Day. Then our hosts will look at the top stories in the news and give you a biblical perspective.

Want to weigh in on the conversation? Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join the online discussion on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 21, 2019 : Danny Lopez, Elizabeth Wirmani, Jerry Tuma, Alex Berenson

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. First, Danny Lopez and Elizabeth Wirmani will join him in studio to talk about ACT – empowering inner city neighborhoods to become safer.  Up next, Jerry Tuma will join Kerby in-studio to talk about the stock market and the current economy. Kerby’s final guest is Alex Berenson. An award winning author, Alex will share his latest book, “Tell Your Children.”

In addition to all the latest news,

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.






Point of View February 20, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. His co-hosts are fellow millennials.  They are First Liberty’s Lathan Watts and men’s minister David Fraga. Joining late is Jonathan Merritt who will give his perspective on the Southern Baptist Convention Controversy.

They will give us the Millennial take on what’s happening – from the latest media gaff to politics to what’s happening in the nation.

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 19, 2019 : Van Taylor, Linda Smith, Linda Smith

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Today on our show today Kerby will talk with Van Taylor, US Representative from District 3. Kerby’s next guest is Linda Smith, Founder &  President of Shared Hope International. Linda will share the latest in the battle to stop Human sex trafficking and her newest book, “Invading the Darkness.” The final guest is Dr. Shane Pruitt, Director of Evangelism for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention. Steve has a great new book, “9 Common Lies Christians Believe.

We would like to hear your opinions. Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View February 18, 2019 : Rebecca Carrel, Monica Martinez,

Monday, February 18, 2019

Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Rebecca Carrell. She’s got the latest information on the upcoming HeartStrong Faith Women’s Bible Conference. Then Kerby chats with Monica Martinez. Monica is the Director of Client Services at the Pregnancy Resource Center of Tracy, in Tracy, California.

To make a comment or ask a question call 800-351-1212 or post on facebook at: www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio/videos

Point of View February 15, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, February 15, 2019

Our host, Kerby Anderson, will be joined by Dr. Buddy Matthews and First Liberty’s Lathan Watts. Together they will look at the latest happenings in our nation and the world. And Steve Forbes will join them for 2 segments to give his take on the New Green Deal.

They’ll share their views and will want to hear yours. So, please give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join us on Facebook and leave your comment or question. That link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 14, 2019 : Wesley J. Smith, Melissa Fisher, Nick Novello

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Nick Novello, a Dallas Police Officer, who will discuss corruption in the city of Dallas. Next he chats with nationally known Author, Speaker, and Radio Host, Alex McFarland. They discuss our nation’s abandonment of moral law. Then Kerby welcomes Wesley J. Smith, Senior Fellow at Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism, to talk about assisted suicide. Kerby’s final guest is Melissa Fisher. She will tell us about her new book, “The Way of Hope.”

To make a comment or ask a question call 800-351-1212 or post on facebook at: www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio/videos





Point of View February 13, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. His co-host is Dr. Brent Taylor. They will be joined by Michael McAfee. Together they’ll discuss the latest from the headlines and give their millennial and biblical perspectives.

We look forward to hearing your perspective, give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 12, 2019 : Van Taylor, Jonathan Saenz, Gerit Quealy, John Humphrey

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Today on our show today Kerby will talk with Van Taylor, US Representative from District 3. Then Jonathan Saenz from Texas Values will have 30 minutes to share the latest from Texas politics. Kerby’s next guest is writer, historian and actress Gerit Quealy who will talk about how Shakespeare influences critical thinking. The final guest is John Humphrey who will join Kerby in studio to tell us the latest from I Am Second.

We would like to hear your opinions. Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 11, 2019 : Luke A. Wake, Jeff Younger, Joe Scott, Fr Frank Pavone

Monday, February 11, 2019

Penna Dexter is guest hosting today! First, she will welcome Luke Wake, Sr. Staff Attorney at NFIB. He shares the importance of state and local politics. Why does it matter?

Then she’ll speak with Jeff Younger & Joe Scott, in studio about the very important issue of saving James!

In the final hour Frank Pavone will share his insights from the 2019 March for Life.

Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 8, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, February 8, 2019

Welcome to our Weekend Edition show. Today, Kerby is joined by Debbie Georgatos  and Jeremy Dys. Together they will discuss the state of the union and look at the other top stories in the news and give you a biblical perspective. Want to weigh in on the conversation? Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join the online discussion on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 7, 2019 : Drew Dyck, Dave and Ann Wilson

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Kerby will host today’s show. He will share what’s happening around the world and will welcome 3 new guest to the show. The first guest is editor and author Drew Dyck. Drew’s latest book is, “Your Future Self Will Thank You.” The next two guests are husband and wife duo, Dave and Ann Wilson. Together they’ll share their newest book, “Vertical Marriage.”

We would love to hear your perspective, so give us a call at 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View February 6, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. His co-hosts are two other millennials, First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman and men’s minister David Fraga.

They will give us the Millennial take on what’s happening in our nation. And, they will talk with Author, Professor, and Teacher, Sean McDowell.

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View February 5, 2019 : Mo Isom, George A. Goens, PhD, Jonathan Saenz, Esq.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

For the first part of today’s show, host Kerby Anderson will give us his perspective on the latest news and talk with Jonathan Saenz from Texas Values. Then Mo Isom joins Kerby to share her book, “Sex, Jesus, And the Conversations the Church Forgot.” In the final hour, Kerby will talk to Dr. George Goens.  George also has a book, “Civility Lost.”

Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with any comments.






Point of View February 4, 2019 : Leanne Jamieson, Jamie Stanley, Carey Nieuwhof

Monday, February 4, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In the first hour he will speak with Leanne Jamieson & Jamie Stanley from Prestonwood Pregnancy Center.

Then, in addition to all the latest news, Carey Nieuwhof will join Kerby to talk about his latest book, “Didn’t See It Coming.”

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View February 1, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, February 1, 2019

Today is our weekend edition with Kerby Anderson! His co-hosts are Penna Dexter and from First Liberty, Lathan Watts. They will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America. Later in the show the panel talks with Jenny Beth Martin. Jenny Beth is one of the founders of the Tea Party Patriots. She’ll give her point of view on building the wall!

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 31, 2019 : Dr. Kathy H. Dudley, EJ Janik, David L. Goetsch, Ph.D

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show and he has an exciting line up of new guests. Dr. Kathy H. Dudley is Founder and President of Imani Bridges will be in-studio to talk about inner-city ministry. EJ Janik will join Kerby in- to talk about his new book,  “104 Attributes and Actions of God.” Kerby’s final guest is David Goetsch, former marine and now a professor of business at Northwest Florida State. David brings to the mic his latest book, “Christians On the Job.

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 30, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. He is joined by two other millennials, First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman and Dr. Jarrett Stephens from Prestonwood Baptist Church.

They will give us the Millennials take on what’s happening in our nation. It’s going to be fun!!

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View January 29, 2019 : Todd Hampson, Will Graham

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

For the first part of today’s show, host, Kerby Anderson will give us his perspective on the latest news. Then Todd Hampson joins Kerby to share his book, “The Non-Prophet’s Guide To the End Times.” In the final hour, Kerby will talk to Will Graham. Will also has a book. It’s a devotional, “Redeemed.”

Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with any comments.





Point of View January 28, 2019 : Jonathan Saenz, Michael Rhodes

Monday, January 28, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Kerby will talk to Jonathan Saenz about the #banthebible campaign. Then Michael Rhodes will join Kerby to talk about his new book, “Practicing the King’s Economy“.

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 25, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, January 25, 2019

Today is our weekend edition with Kerby Anderson! His co-hosts are Penna Dexter, Kelly Shackelford from First Liberty, and IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews. They will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.







Point of View January 24, 2019 : Dirk van Leenen

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In addition to all the latest news, Dirk van Leenen will join Kerby to talk about the third book in his Resistance trilogy, “The Last Train to the Concentration Camp.” Dirk was a prisoner in a concentration camp in Holland as a child. These are his stories and memories from that time in our history.

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.






Point of View January 23, 2019 : Millennial Roundtable

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Dr. Nick Pitts is the host of today’s Millennial Roundtable. He is joined by three other millennials, First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman, men’s minister David Fraga, and Fellowship of Christian Athletes’ Chris Avila.

They will give us the Millennials take on what’s happening in our nation. It’s going to be fun!!

Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View January 22, 2019 : Chip Ingram, Jonathan Haidt

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Kerby will host today’s show with Nick Pitts. They’ll share what’s currently happening in our nation and around the world. They’ll have Chip Ingram, CEO & Teaching Pastor of Living on the Edge on the program to talk about his new book, “Marriage That Works.” Their final guest is Jonathan Haidt, PhD. He’s a social psychologist who will share his new book, “The Coddling of The American Mind.”

We would love to hear your perspective, so give us a call at 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View January 21, 2019 : Timothy Jennings,

Monday, January 21, 2019

Today on our show today Kerby will talk to Timothy Jennings. Timothy has a great new book, “The God Shaped Brain.” He’ll talk to Kerby about how changing your view of God can transform your life.

Kerby will take your comments, questions and concerns. So, please call at 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/videos.





Point of View January 18, 2019 : Weekend Edition

Friday, January 18, 2019

Today is our weekend edition with Kerby Anderson! His co-hosts are Penna Dexter, and from First Liberty, Kelly Shackelford. They will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 17, 2019 : Craig Hazen, David Curry

Thursday, January 17, 2019

First up on today’s show we hear from Ray Bohlin, Vice-President at Vision Outreach with Probe Ministries. He’ll share all the info on the upcoming Dallas Discovery Conference (January 18-19) and the Probe Mind Games conference this summer (June 16-22).

Next up is Craig Hazen from Biola University. Craig has a new book, “Fearless Prayer.”

Then Kerby will talk with president and CEO of Open Doors, David Curry. He shares the latest on the World Watch List.

He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask question on Facebook by clicking on the link: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 16, 2019 : Millennial Round Table

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Our most exciting Millennial Round Table ever – hosted by Dr. Nick Pitts! Nick will jump right in to the show with First Liberty’s Chelsey Youman. Then our own Kerby Anderson will join Nick to talk with Dr. David Allen and Hal Habecker about the modern gods of this world. Finally, Nick and Kerby welcome Stephen Baldwin. Stephen has a new film, “The Least of These.” It’s definitely not to me missed!

Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is  800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 14, 2018 : Noel Bouché, Sue Bailey, Curt Hamner

Monday, January 14, 2018

Kerby will host today’s show. He will share what’s happening around the world and will welcome a new guest to the show. But first up are two old friends. Noel Bouché and Sue Bailey will be in-studio to talk to Kerby about what’s going on at Pure Hope Ministries. Then Curt Hamner, pastor and co-founder of Between Two Trees will share a new book with us: “Marriage: Its Foundation, Theology, and Mission In a Changing World.

We would love to hear your perspective, so give us a call at 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.






Point of View January 11, 2018 : Weekend Edition

Friday, January 11, 2018

The first hour has our host Kerby Anderson welcoming Dr. Stephen Meyer from the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute.

Then co-hosts, from First Liberty Institute, Kelly Shakelford and Keisha Russell join Kerby in the studio. They will discuss the issue of religious freedom, current cases in the US courts, and the current conservative landscape.

Please participate with your questions or comments. You can reach us by phone at: 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.





Point of View January 10, 2019 : Jay Stringer, Martin Mawyer

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Host Kerby Anderson welcomes Jay Stringer. Jay will be talking about his first book, “Unwanted: How Sexual Brokenness Reveals Our Way to Healing.” Then Kerby will speak with Martin Mawyer, founder of Christian Action Network (CAN). He tells us about Islamic indoctrination in our public schools.

Please call or post on facebook. We would love to hear from you. Phone: 800-351-1212 Facebook: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View January 9, 2019 : Millennial Round Table

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Another exciting Millennial Round Table hosted by Dr. Nick Pitts! Nick’s guest-host is Grant Skeldon from the Initiative Network.

They will discuss the “burnout generation” struggle that Millennials are facing. And will also take a look at millennial men becoming “grown-men,” being strong and courageous, being biblical men with biblical families.

And Nick will welcome Jonathan Ignatius Green, Director of the new documentary film, “Social Animals.”

Please call in or post questions on Facebook. Our phone number is  800-351-1212. and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.