Point of View for July 23, 2015 : Sarah Geis

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn the show today, Kerby will discuss with writer and blogger, Sarah Geis the issue of doubt and how sometimes as Christians we can mishandle it. When believers face religious doubts, they have for generations been told to “just have more faith.” In recent years, a rival, apologetics-oriented approach has been on the rise. Sarah explains how this is essential, and why it must continue to be encouraged.




Point of View for July 22, 2015: Tim Wildmon, Arthur C. Brooks

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailJoining Kerby on the show today is Tim Wildmon, president of the American Family Association. He will tell us more about his recent article on not giving up on the culture wars. In the article, he recommends that “we  stay in the know and stay in the battle.”

In the second hour, we hear from Arthur C. Brooks who is the president of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a public policy think tank in Washington, DC. He is also a contributing opinion writer for The New York Times. He discusses his book, The Conservative Heart: How to Build a Fairer, Happier, and More Prosperous America. In his book, Brooks addresses this paradox: capitalism has been the greatest tool to draw people out of poverty, yet in America, conservatives who champion this system are viewed as callous and uninterested in helping the poor.




Point of View for July 21, 2015: Dr. Ed Hindson, Dr. Jerry Newcombe

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday, on Point of View, Dr. Ed Hindson, president of World Prophetic Ministry and Bible teacher on The King Is Coming telecast joins us to to tell us more about his book, Target Israel: Caught in the Crosshairs of the End Times.

Our second hour guest is Dr. Jerry Newcombe who serves as the co-host, a columnist, and a spokesperson for D. James Kennedy Ministries. He discusses the importance of  religious liberty in America.




Point of View for July 20, 2015: Ron Rhodes, Marybeth Hicks

Monday, July 20, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby is joined by Ron Rhodes, president of Reasoning from the Scriptures Ministries, to discuss his book Conversations with Jehovah’s Witnesses. In the second hour, Kerby speaks with Marybeth Hicks, founder and editor of OntheCulture.com, about her book Teachable Moments: Using Everyday Encounters with Media and Culture to Instill Conscience, Character, and Faith.




Point of View for July 16, 2015: Dr. John Zmirak, Pastor Tim Challies

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday, we welcome back to the show, Dr. John Zmirak. Zmirak is a contributing senior editor of The Stream. He joins us to discuss his recently published article, If the Feds Demand Same-Sex Marriage, What Will Our Pastors Do?  This article examines the difficulties that churches, church leaders and religious institutions will face in the event that the government requires them to acknowledge or officiate  same-sex marriages.

Our second hour guest is author and pastor, Tim Challies.  Tim, serves as a pastor at Grace Fellowship Church in Toronto, Ontario, he is a book reviewer for WORLD magazine, co-founder of Cruciform Press. Tim discusses his book, The Next Story: Life and Faith after the Digital Explosion. Through his book he explains how and why our society has become reliant on digital technology, what it means for our lives, and how it impacts the Christian faith.




Point of View for July 15, 2015: Dennis Avi Lipkin, Martin Mawyer

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby welcomes in-studio, author, Avi Lipkin. Avi discusses his book, Islamic Rivalry: ISIS and Iran Are Fighting For the Heart of Islamic Identity.

In the second hour, founder of Christian Action Network, a non-profit public advocacy and education group based in Lynchburg, Virginia, Martin Mawyer joins us to discuss a documentary, Europe’s Last Stand – America’s Final Warning. This documentary examines the Islamic invasion of Western Europe and its threat to European democracy, freedoms, culture and history.




Point of View for July 14, 2015: Gary Tyra

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailIn the first hour on the show today, Kerby will talk about yet another government overreach, the Fair Housing Rule. He will explain how it will work and how it will affect home owners and property owners. He will also talk about the issue of the abortion industries’ hypocrisy in relation to abortion advocates arguing that women’s health is dependent on mere access to abortion clinics, regardless of their condition.

In the second hour we chat with author and professor of biblical and practical theology at Vanguard University of Southern California, Gary Tyra. He tells us more about his book, Pursuing Moral Faithfulness. Through his book, Tyra argues that Christians can have confidence in their Christ-centered, Spirit-enabled ability to discern and do the will of God in any moral situation.



Point of View for July 13, 2015: Laurie Cardoza-Moore, Lou Ureneck

Monday, July 13, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday on Point of View, Kerby welcomes Laurie Cardoza-Moore, founder and president of Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, a pro Israel, Christian organization that is leading the fight against boycott sanctions against Israel. Laurie is also a Special Envoy to the UN on Israel Affairs. She will tell us more about the fight against anti-Semetism and educate us as Christians about our Biblical responsibility to stand with our Jewish brethren and the State of Israel.

In the second hour, we hear from Lou Ureneck, professor of journalism at Boston University, he discusses his book, The Great Fire which is about the first Christian genocide of the 20th century. The book tells the story of Reverend Asa K. Jennings who arranged the evacuation of the city of Smyrna (Turkey) after it was burned.





Point of View for July 10, 2015: Weekend Edition, Penna Dexter, Kelly Shackelford

Friday, July 10, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailHappy Friday, we are back to our normal Weekend Edition format today and joining Kerby around the table are Penna Dexter and Kelly Shackelford. They’ll break down items that made the news this week and also welcome your calls. Call us at 800-351-1212 with your comment or questions.





Point of View for July 9, 2015: Dr. Leslie Wickman, Amelia Hamilton

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOur first hour guest today is Dr. Leslie Wickman former astronaut and Hubble Space Telescope engineer. Dr. Wickman tells us more about her book, God of the Big Bang: How Modern Science Affirms the Creator. Scientific evidence strongly suggests that our universe had a beginning: the big bang. What does this mean for those who believe in God? In her book, Dr.Wickman explores pressing questions about the harmony and reconciliation of faith and science and highlights connections between science and faith, showing how modern science affirms a Creator.

As Planned Parenthood celebrates the anniversary of the  Supreme Court decision that is credited with opening the door to legalizing abortion while suing states like Arizona for passing laws requiring doctors to provide more information and options to women seeking the procedure our second hour guest, Amelia Hamilton, a contributing associate editor for The Stream, shares the other side of the story. Hamilton relates the the raw and honest testimony of Tina, a woman she met through work, who was manipulated into having an abortion and left with a lifelong regret.





Point of View for July 8, 2015: Carolyn Custis James

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby welcomes author, Carolyn Custis James. Carolyn is president of WhitbyForum, a ministry dedicated to addressing the deeper needs which confront both women and men as they endeavor to extend God’s kingdom together in a messy and complicated world. Today, Carolyn discusses her book, Malestrom: Manhood Swept into the Currents of a Changing World. Through this book, Carolyn builds and expands on her previous books and explores the idea of manhood, offering a revolutionary global vision for men. Carolyn reveals how Western culture’s narrow definitions of manhood and the oppressive patriarchy of the Old Testament are challenged by God’s original vision for men.




Point of View for July 7, 2015 : Johnnie Moore, Michael Farris

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailJoining us on the show today is Johnnie Moore, author and humanitarian. Johnnie further discusses the issue of  his book, Defying ISIS  and the wave of murder and terror that has continued to roll across the Middle East.

In the second hour, Michael Farris, who is the Chancellor of Patrick Henry College and Chairman of the Home School Legal Defense Association.He discusses  his book, The History of Religious Liberty.



Point of View for July 6, 2015: Dr. Mark Bauerlein, Dr. Denny Burk

Monday, July 6, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby is joined by Dr. Mark Bauerlein, editor of the new book, The State of the American Mind. A nationally renowned writer and social critic, Mark Bauerlein is Senior Editor at First Things and Professor of English at Emory University.

Since the Supreme Court’s recent decision to legalize gay marriage, people have been wondering how Christians will respond to this culture shift. How will Christians react to this new ruling? Will some continue to claim homosexuality is a sin?  Our second hour guest, Dr. Denny Burk—professor, pastor, and author of What is the Meaning of Sex? has been a steady voice speaking into the current social climate through interviews and articles on the topics of gender and sexuality.






Point of View for July 2, 2015: Troy Carl, Gene Policinski, George Yancey

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailKerby welcomes Troy Carl, vice president of Faith Comes By Hearing. Troy tells us more about the Military BibleStick (MBS), a small digital audio player pre-loaded with the New Testament and specially selected Psalms for U.S. troops. The device is about the size of a pack of gum and is rugged enough to withstand tough weather conditions, can be used in low-light situations and easily fits into uniform pockets.

Up next is Gene Policinski of the Newseum Institute. He talks about the State of the First Amendment survey.

In the second hours we hear from George Yancey (PhD, University of Texas) who is professor of sociology at the University of North Texas, specializing in race/ethnicity, biracial families and anti-Christian bias. He discusses his book, Hostile Environment.






Point of View for July 1, 2015 : Chris Mitchell

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday on Point of View Kerby will continue the discussion on the Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage. In the second hour, we chat with journalist and author, Chris Mitchell about his book, Destination Jerusalem: ISIS “Convert Or Die,” Christian Persecution And Preparing For The Days Ahead.





Point of View for June 30, 2015 : Weekend Edition, Penna Dexter, Kelly Shackelford, Gary Bauer

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailSince Friday is a holiday we are bringing you our Weekend Edition show a little earlier this week. Joining Kerby and Penna  in the first hour today is Liberty Institute’s, Kelly Shackelford. Together they will further unwrap the issue of the Supreme Court’s decision on same-sex marriage and how it will affect our religious liberty.

In the second hour, Gary Bauer, president of American Values joins us to weigh in on the Supreme Court’s rulings.




Point of View for June 26, 2015: Weekend Edition, Penna Dexter, Debbie Georgatos, Gary Bauer, Michael Farris, Tony Perkins

Friday, June 26, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailJoining Kerby for our Weekend Edition show this week is Penna Dexter and Debbie Georgatos. Given the Supreme Court’s decision on same sex marriage we will also hear from the president of American Values, Gary Bauer, Michael Farris, head of the Convention of States Project and Family Research Council president, Tony Perkins.

Point of View for June 25, 2015: Dr. Merrill Matthews, Garland S. Tucker III

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailIn the first hour, we will hear from Dr. Merrill Matthews who is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, a research-based, public policy “think tank.” He discusses the ramifications of Supreme Court’s decision on Obamacare.

In the second hour, nationally-acclaimed author and historian, Garland Tucker joins us to talk about his new book, Conservative Heroes. In his book, Tucker focuses on 14  leaders from Jefferson to Reagan who shaped America.



Point of View for June 24, 2015: Allen West, Chad Williams

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailKerby welcomes Allen West, Chief Executive Officer of the National Center for Policy Analysis back into the studio today. Allen tells us more about his book, Guardian of the Republic: An American Ronin’s Journey to Faith, Family, and Freedom.

In the second hour, Navy Seal, Chad Williams joins us in-studio. He tells us more about his book, Seal of God. In this book, Chad shares his own radical conversion story and talks about how he draws on his own experiences as a SEAL to help others better understand the depths of Christ’s sacrifice and love.

Point of View for June 23, 2015: Walter E. Williams, Congressman Randy Forbes, Jimmy Meeks

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby is joined by author and columnist Walter E. Williams. Williams tells us about his book,  American Contempt For Liberty. Williams is the  and a nationally syndicated columnist. Through his book, questions why a people who claim to value liberty so greatly have allowed their personal freedoms to become so eroded by government.

Later in the show, Congressman Randy Forbes joins us to talk about Congressional Prayer Caucus (CPC) that is launching soon and members of Congress across the country that are participating.

In the last hour,  we hear from Jimmy Meeks police officer and minister. He talks about the growing problem of violence in churches and faith based properties.



Point of View for June 22, 2015: Kay Wills Wyma, Dr. Jeff Myers

Monday, June 22, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailKerby is back in the studio today and joining him is author, blogger and speaker, Kay Wills Wyma. She will tell us more about her book, I’m Happy for You (Sort Of . . . Not Really): Finding Contentment in a Culture of Comparison. We have all played the comparison game at some point and have been caught up in the feeling of not measuring up. Kay Wyma offers us hope as she transparently shares her experiences with comparison living and offers readers the simple remedies that helped her and her family reboot their perspective.

Recently there has been much talk about the flight of millennials from the church. In the second hour, Dr. Jeff Myers, president of Summit Ministries,  joins us to discuss how we can grow together and perhaps stem the exodus of young people from the church.




Point of View for June 18, 2015: Michelle Derusha, Dan Gainor

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailPenna Dexter is your host today. She will be chatting with author, Michelle Derusha who discusses her book, 50 Women Every Christian Should Know: Learning from Heroines of the Faith. In this book, Dreusha examines the lives of various women such as Teresa of Ávila, Corrie Ten Boom, Ruth Bell and many others who boldly stepped out in faith and courage, leaving their indelible mark on those around them and on the kingdom of God.

Later in the show Penna welcomes back Dan Gainor from Media Research Center. They will discuss former NAACP leader Rachel Dolezal who has been embroiled in a firestorm ever since it was learned last week that she is a white woman.

Point of View for June 17, 2015: Jeanne Nigro, Michelle Malkin

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday on Point of View, Kerby welcomes Jeanne Nigro to the studio. The founder of Jeanne Nigro Ministries, Jeanne is a frequent speaker at conferences, retreats, congregations, churches, and professional organizations.  She will cover the issue of spiritually preparation for the return of Christ, prayer, spiritual integrity and the Feasts of Israel.

In the second hour we welcome back Michelle Malkin, well-known conservative author, blogger, columnist, and entrepreneur. Michelle discusses her book, Who Built That.




Point of View for June 16, 2016: Nita Belles, Erick Stakelbeck

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday on Point of View Nita Belles, managing director of the nonprofit In Our Backyard and the regional director of Central Oregonians Against Trafficking Humans (OATH) joins Kerby to tell us more about her book, In Our Backyard: Human Trafficking in America and What We can do to stop it.

In the second hour, Erick Stakelbeck a sought after authority on Middle East and national security related issues joins us to discuss his book, ISIS Exposed: Beheadings, Slavery, and the Hellish Reality of Radical Islam.




Point of View for June 15, 2015: John Stonestreet, Gregory Slayton

Monday, June 15, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailPoint of View welcomes back John Stonestreet, speaker and fellow of the Chuck Colson Center for Christian Worldview. He will tell us more about his book, Restoring All Things: God’s Audacious Plan to Change the World through Everyday People.

In the second hour, we hear from author, Gregory Slayton. He will tell us more about the book that he and his wife, Marina, wrote,  Be the Best Mom You Can Be: A Practical Guide to Raising Whole Children in a Broken Generation

Point of View for June 12, 2015 : Weekend Edition, Debbie Georgatos, Kassie Dulin, Matt Rinaldi

Friday, June 12 2015

Podcast ThumbnailFridays at Point of View means it is our Weekend Edition show. Joining Kerby this week are Debbie Georgatos, Kassie Dulin, Director of Legal Communications at Liberty Institute and Matt Rinaldi, Texas State Representative. They will break down the news of the week.






Point of View for June 11, 2015 : Stephen Coughlin, Dr. Paul Kengor

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOur first hour guest is Stephen Coughlin, Senior Fellow at the Center for Security Policy and a Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute is our first guest on the show today. He tells us more about his ebook, Catastrophic Failure: Blindfolding America in the Face of Jihad.

In the second hour we are joined by best selling author, Dr. Paul Kengor who discusses his book,  Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage.




Point of View for June 10, 2015 : Cindy Cunningham, Rose Aber, M.D. Kittle

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailPoint of View welcomes Cindy Cunningham, founder of Village of Hope Uganda Ministries and Rose Aber who is currently in Dallas from Kenya. They share their story of how God caused their paths to cross and how He is using Village of Hope Uganda to make a difference in the lives of war orphans.

In the second hour we hear from Watchdog.org’s, M.D. Kittle. He tells about a new “rogue agency” called the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), created under the Obama administration which has collected nearly 1 billion U.S. credit card records without consumer consent.




Point of View for June 9, 2015 : Dr. Merrill Matthews, Jason Scott Jones

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailJoining Kerby in-studio today is Dr. Merrill Matthews who is a resident scholar with the Institute for Policy Innovation, a research-based, public policy “think tank.”  He will shed more light on the issue of Vice President, Joe Biden who is out promoting U.S. infrastructure improvement and expansion while the oil and gas industry is eager to spend its own money, not taxpayer dollars, doing just that: updating and expanding the infrastructure in order to get its products to refineries.

In the second hour, we welcome Jason Scott Jones, a film producer, author, activist, and human rights worker. Jones is the Founder of HERO [Human-Rights Education and Relief Organization] a non-profit that promotes human dignity regardless of ability, age, status, race, or geography.



Point of View for June 8, 2015 : Frank Wolf, Dr. Charles Murray

Monday, June 8, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, we welcome back former Congressman, Frank Wolf. He will tell us more about the Middle East tour and religious persecution.

In the last hour, political scientist, author, and libertarian, Dr. Charles Murray joins us to tell us more about his book, BY THE PEOPLE: Rebuilding Liberty without Permission.




Point of View for June 4, 2015 : Dr. Jay Richards

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOur guest in the first hour today is Dr. Jay Richards, founder of The Stream. He joins Kerby to discuss the issue of climate change and environmental stewardship.

In the second hour Kerby talks about Capital Punishment. Recently, the state of Nebraska  voted to end capital punishment in the state. Will more states follow suit? How could this impact us as a society?



Point of View for June 3, 2015 : Steve Cable, Byron Barlow, Dennis Avi Lipkin

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby explores the issue of the Decline of Christianity. Is the church trying too hard to fit in with the cultural norms of the day? And is it losing itself in the process? With the help of our in-studio guests, Steve Cable and Byron Barlow we will examine the statistics and determine the validity of the rhetoric regarding the collapsing church.

In the second hour, our guest Dennis Avi Lipkin weighs in from Israel about Iran and the threat they pose to world peace.




Point of View for June 2, 2015 : Dr. Kathy Koch, Stephan Bauman

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailJoining Kerby in-studio today is Dr. Kathy Koch, founder and president of Celebrate Kids, Inc., a Christian ministry based in Fort Worth, Texas. An internationally celebrated speaker and popular radio guest, Kathy has influenced thousands of parents, teachers, and children worldwide. She chats about her book, Screens and Teens: Connecting with Our Kids in a Wireless World.

Our second hour guest is, Stephan Bauman president and CEO of World Relief, an international relief and development organization. He tells us more about his book, Possible: A Blueprint for Changing How we Change the World.



Point of View for June 1, 2015 : Ian Bremmer

Monday, June 1, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby welcomes author and president of Eurasia Group, Ian Bremmer. Bremmer, in his book, Superpower: Three Choices for America’s Role in the World calls for a complete rethink of America’s role in tomorrow’s world.

Since we are now 30 days away from the Supreme Court’s decision on marriage Kerby discusses the countdown and the host of issues that the decision could impact.





Point of View for May 29, 2015 : Weekend Edition, Kelly Shackelford, Debbie Georgatos

Friday, May 29, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailFridays at Point of View bring our Weekend Edition shows. Joining Kerby around the table this Friday is Kelly Shackelford and Debbie Georgatos. They talk about the ramifications of the Supreme Courts upcoming decision on same sex marriage and how it will impact business, churches, education and several other areas. They also take a look at issues making the news this week.



Point of View for May 28, 2015 : Robert A. White, Rev. Dr. Art Lindsley

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOur first guest on the show today is author, Robert A. White who tells us that American culture has convinced itself marijuana is harmless or that the health risks are worth the benefit of the therapy (or the high). Yet more and more evidence is mounting that marijuana is dangerous, especially for the young. In Going to Pot: Why the Rush to Legalization is Harming America, White argues that marijuana legalization will be detrimental to our country.

In the second hour, Dr. Art Lindsley vice president of Theological Initiatives at the Institute for Faith, Work & Economics joins us to chat about his book, For the Least of These: A Biblical Answer to Poverty.

Point of View for May 27, 2015 : John Tamny

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby welcomes editor of RealClearMarkets and Political Economy editor at Forbes, John Tamny. Tamny will tell us more about his book, Popular Economics: What the Rolling Stones, Downton Abbey, and LeBron James Can Teach You about Economics. He uses entertaining stories from sports, movies, popular culture, and famous businesses to demonstrate the basic principles of economics.

In the second hour, Kerby does a special report on the Rise of ISIS. ISIS controls more firepower than any Jihadist organization in history and are the “world’s richest terrorist group”.




Point of View for May 26, 2015 : Bobby Harrington, Dr. John Zmirak

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOur first guest on the show today is Bobby Harrington who is the founding and lead pastor of Harpeth Community Church in Franklin, Tennesse. He is also founder of discipleship.org. He will tell us more about his book, Dedicated: Training your children to trust and follow Jesus. Our second hour, in-studio guest is Dr. John Zmirak, contributing senior editor of The Stream. He will discuss the recent Jihad attack in TX and what drives Islamists to murder.




Point of View for May 25, 2015 : Chip Ingram, Ashleigh Slater

Monday, May 25, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday is Memorial Day, hopefully for many of you, it is a day to honor those who fought for our freedom and especially for those who paid the ultimate sacrifice. Since today is a holiday please note that the show is an encore presentation.

Today on Point of View, Kerby welcomes senior pastor of Venture Christian Church near San Jose, CA, Chip Ingram, to discuss his book Culture Shock: A Biblical Response to Today’s Most Divisive Issues. In the second hour we are joined by Ashleigh Slater, writer and editor of the popular webzine, Ungrind, to talk about marriage and her book Team Us: Marriage Together.



Point of View for May 21, 2015 : Dr. Gary Chapman, Jay Sekulow

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailToday on Point of View, joining us briefly to talk about his book, The Five Love Languages for Men is  #1 New York Times bestselling author, Dr. Gary Chapman. In this, his latest offering he guides husbands in identifying, understanding, and speaking their wife’s love language.

Our final guest for today is author and Chief Counsel of the American Center for Law and Justice Jay Sekulow. Sekulow tells us more about his recently released book, Undemocratic. In this book, Jay focuses on how the federal bureaucracy has taken over our government—becoming an unconstitutional “fourth branch” that is turning personal liberties into a thing of the past.

Point of View for May 20, 2015 : Israel Wayne

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today during the first hour, Kerby will do a review of the Pain Capable Child Abortion Protection Act and the FCC  internet regulations.

In the second hour he welcomes author, Israel Wayne who tells us more about his book, Questions Jesus Asks: Where Divinity Meets Humanity. Through his book, Wayne explores the unique paradox of Jesus’ divinity and humanity.

Point of View for May 19, 2015 : Marsha Blackburn

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailOn Point of View today, Kerby will chat about issues making the news in the last few days.

In the second hour, Congressman Marsha Blackburn joins us to talk about how she has reintroduced legislation to block the Obama administration’s efforts to take over the Internet by implementing new Net Neutrality regulations.




Point of View for May 18, 2015 : Dr. Norman Wright, John Whitehead

Monday, May 18, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailKerby is back in the studio today. He will chat with Dr. Norman Wright, a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist about his book, Helping Your Hurting Teen. Dr. Wright gives insight on how to reconnect with your child, understand their struggle, and never lose hope.

Later in the show Kerby discusses John Whitehead’s book, Battlefield America: The War on the American People. John W. Whitehead, attorney and author who has written, debated and practiced widely in the area of constitutional law and human rights. 



Point of View for May 15, 2015 : Patrick J. Buchanan, Dr. Jeff Iorg

Friday, May 15, 2015

Podcast ThumbnailNote that we will not have our regular Weekend Edition Show today, instead you will hear one of our previously recorded shows. 

Today on Point of View Kerby talks with columnist and political analyst, Patrick J. Buchanan, about his book, The Greatest Comeback.

In the second hour he welcomes Dr. Jeff Iorg, author of the book, Unscripted: Sharing the Gospel as Life Happens.