Point of View October 13, 2020: Dr. Jim Denison

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Host, Kerby Anderson shares his view about the confirmation hearing, and the other top stories today. Then Kerby welcomes back Jim Denison who will talk about Morality: Restoring the Common Good in Divided Times, which Jim has addressed in his Daily Article.

Kerby has the latest news and information and will share it with a biblical perspective. Please call 800-351-1212.

Point of View October 12, 2020 : Irving Roth, Melissa Anschutz, Don Most, Lisa Luby Ryan, Shannon Graham

Monday, October 12, 2020

Kerby is hosting today. His first guests, Lisa Luby-Ryan and Shannon Graham, join him in studio.  They’ll discuss Council for Life. Then Melissa Anschutz & Don Most join him to talk about their new film: Lost Heart. Kerby’s final guest is Irving Roth. He, too, has a new film: “Never Again?” to share.

We would love to hear your perspective, so please, give us a call at 800-351-1212.

Point of View October 8, 2020 : John C. Lennox, Kevin Sorbo, Shelia Erwin, Carole Hornsby Haynes

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Penna Dexter is the guest-host of today’s show. Her first guest is Carole Haynes. Carole joins Penna in-studio to talk about Citizens Matter & The Alamo Cenotaph. Then Penna is joined by Dr. John Lennox and Kevin Sorbo who brings us information on the new documentary film:  “Against the Tide.” Finally, Penna welcomes Shelia Erwin. mentor, author, speaker, and mother of filmmakers the Erwin Brothers. Shelia brings us her new book, “Raising Up Dreamers.”

We look forward to hearing your perspective, give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post a question on facebook at www.facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View October 7, 2020 : Matt Shaheen, Hormoz Shariat, Lori Roman

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Penna Dexter is guest hosting today! First, Matt Shaheen, Texas State Representative for District 66 joins Penna to talk about racial healing and school safety. Her second guest is Dr. Hormoz Shariat who will join her in studio to talk about Iran Alive Ministries, his new book, “Iran’s Great Awakening,” and the situation for Christians there. Then Penna will welcome Lori Roman, Founder and President of The Ann Children’s Fund. They will talk about protecting Senior votes.

It’s an extra special show. Please don’t miss it.

Join us by calling, 800-351-1212.

Point of View October 6, 2020 : Gromer Jeffers, Michael Behe, Brian Miller, Charles Stolfus

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Today Dr. Merrill (Buddy) Matthews is our guest host and he’s going to have a super busy show! During the first hour Buddy welcomes political writer Gromer Jeffers. They’ll talk about the future Texas Speaker of the House. Then Charles Stolfus joins him in studio to co-host. Their guests are Michael Behe and Brian Miller. Dr. Behe has a PhD in Biochemistry and Dr. Miller has his PhD in Complex Systems Physics. Each will share information regarding Intelligent Design.

We look forward to hearing from you! Please call us at 800-351-1212 or post on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View October 5, 2020 : Dan Pilla, Bunni Pounds, Tom Nelson, Carter Page, Grace-Marie Turner

Monday, October 5, 2020

On Point of View today, It’s going to be super busy!  Guest host Dr. Merrill (Buddy) Matthews welcomes his first guest, financial expert Dan Pilla. They will be talking about Trump’s taxes. Then Buddy brings his wisdom and shares biblical principles on the headlines.  His next guest is Bunni Pounds, who brings ways to engage Christians in the upcoming election. Then Pastor Tom Nelson will join him to discuss the role of Christians in politics. In the next hour, he welcomes Dr. Carter Page. Dr. Page will join Buddy to talk about the Russian Collusion Campaign and the 2020 Election. Buddy’s final guest is Grace-Marie Turner. They will discuss the new conservative proposal for health care reform.

It’s going to be an exciting show! Share with your friends!

He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask question on Facebook by clicking on the link: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View October 2, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, October 2, 2020

Our host Kerby Anderson welcomes co-hosts from First Liberty, Kelly Shackelford and Lathan Watts. They will join him in studio for our Weekend Edition.  They’ll have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America from a Godly perspective.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View October 1, 2020 : Reggie Littlejohn,Jason Romano, Susan Michael

Thursday, October 1, 2020

Today Point of View‘s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  In the first hour, he welcomes Scot McKnight. Professor McNight has a book to share, “A Church Called Tov“. Then Kerby will bring us his take on today’s news. His next guest is long time friend of Point of View, Reggie Littlejohn. Reggie will talk with Kerby about Chen Guangcheng’s Speech at the RNC. In the final hour Kerby welcomes Jason Romano. Jason is host and producer of the Sports Spectrum podcast. He’ll be sharing his book, “The Uniform of Leadership.” And finally, Susan Michael joins Kerby to talk about the Israel/UAE Peace Agreement.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 30, 2020 : Scot McKnight, Matt Chastain

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  In the first hour, Kerby welcomes Iain Murray. Iain is director of the Center for Economic Freedom at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. He will share his new book: “The Socialist Temptation.” Then Kerby will bring us his take on today’s news.His next guest is Matt Chastain. A writer/director/producer in marketing and advertising,  Matt is bringing us his new film, “Small Group.” In the final hour, he welcomes Scot McKnight. Professor McNight has a book to share, “A Church Called Tov“.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 29, 2020 : Joy Skarka, Iain Murray

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  During the first hour he brings us the latest stories from the headlines; ballots, vaccines, and taxes. Kerby’s guest in our second hour is Joy Skarka. Joy joins Kerby to talk about the Me Too Movement and Joy’s contribution to “Sanctified Sexuality.” In the final hour, Kerby welcomes Iain Murray. Iain is director of the Center for Economic Freedom at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. He will share his new book: “The Socialist Temptation.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 28, 2020 : Alisa Childers, Joe Battaglia

Monday, September 28, 2020

Kerby Anderson is our host today!

His first guest is Alisa Childers. Alisa is a former singer with ZOEgirl. She will join him to talk about her new book, “Another Gospel.”

We will share a , Where Is America Headed? with guests: Anne Graham Lotz, Greg Laurie, Joel Rosenberg, Mike Pence.

His final guest is broadcaster & author Joe Battaglia. They’ll talk about the current political scene and Joe’s new book, “Make America Good Again.”

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 25, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, September 25, 2020

Welcome to our Weekend Edition with host Kerby Anderson. He is joined in studio by co-hosts Penna Dexter, and from First Liberty, Jeremy Dys. Topics for discussion include: the November elections, how our Federal Government is sanctioning BLM, COVID-19, the November elections, and the cancel culture. It promises to be an exceptional show.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 24, 2020 : Dennis Prager, Ilya Shapiro, Paul Rutherford

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Today on Point of View, with our host Kerby Anderson, we welcome Paul Rutherford, a writer for Probe Ministries. Paul shares Probe’s podcast, “Head & Heart.” Then Kerby talks about Christianity & life in America and around the world. His next guest is Ilya Shapiro. Ilya shares his new book: “Supreme Disorder: Judicial Nominations and the Politics of America’s Highest Court.” Then, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, columnist, author, and public speaker, Dennis Prager joins Kerby to tell us about his new movie, “No Safe Spaces,” and how the culture in our colleges and universities is detrimental to us all.

Please contact us with your perspective. Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join us on Facebook and leave your comment or question. That link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 23, 2020 : Joe Battaglia, Marjorie Dannenfelser, Greg Laurie

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Join Point of View‘s host, Kerby Anderson as he brings a biblical perspective on today’s headlines. His first guest is broadcaster & author Joe Battaglia. They’ll talk about the current political scene and Joe’s new book, “Make America Good Again.” Then Kerby welcomes Marjorie Dannenfelser. Marjorie is president of Susan B. Anthony List. She and Kerby will talk about the November elections and her book, “Life is Winning.” His next guest is Greg Laurie. Greg is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship and he joins Kerby to discuss his latest book,  “World Changers.” Our final guest is Ron Smedley. They’ll discuss Recovery Sunday/Mission Recovery.

We would love to hear from you. Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post your question or comment on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 22, 2020 : Natasha Crain, Leland Ryken

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  During the first hour he brings us the latest stories from the headlines. Kerby’s guest in our second hour is Natasha Crain. They’ll be talking about her new book: “Talking with Your Kids about Jesus,” her blog, and about secular influence on Christians.  In the final hour, Kerby welcomes Leland Ryken. Dr. Ryken has a great new book: “40 Favorite Hymns For the Christian Year” that he will be sharing.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 21, 2020 : Millennial Round Table

Monday, September 21, 2020

Welcome to Point of View’s Millennial Round Table on a Monday!  Today’s panel is hosted by Chelsey Youman! The Round Table today consists of Chelsey and David Fraga with guests. In the first hour, Walker Wildmon VP for American Family Association joins them via phone. During the second hour they welcome historian Richard Lim. Their guest in the final hour is political dynamo, Rachel Redus.

What are the issues that Millennials are currently concerned about? Listen in to hear a Godly point of view.

Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is  800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 18, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, September 18, 2020

Welcome to our awesome weekend edition. Our host Kerby Anderson welcomes co-hosts Penna Dexter and, from First Liberty Institute, Kelly Shackelford. They will join him in studio and will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America from a Godly perspective. Their topics include racism, rioters, COVID-19, and much more. Conservative businessman & philanthropist, Foster Friess will join them in the final hour.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 17, 2020 : Gary Bauer, Phil Robertson

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Today Kerby Anderson is Point of View‘s host. His first guest is Texas Senator Angela Paxton who will join him by phone to talk about the pandemic, the economy, and politics in Texas and around the country. Then, President of American Values, Gary Bauer, will join Kerby by phone for a couple of segments. Finally, Kerby welcomes Phil Robertson, patriarch of the Duck Dynasty family.

To make a comment, please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 16, 2020 : Max Lucado, Don Blythe

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Today is our Wednesday show with host Kerby Anderson! In addition to all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America, he will be talking with Congressman Van Taylor. Then Kerby will speak with Max Lucado. Max will be on-air to tell us about his book, “You Are Never Alone.” In the final hour Kerby welcomes Don Blythe. Don is the founder of At the Well Ministries.

Please call or contact us with your perspective or questions, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 15, 2020 : Michael Brown, Dinesh D’Souza

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Welcome to today’s show. Kerby will speak with Texas Representative Candy Noble about local and national politics.  Next up is Dr. Michael Brown. They’ll talk about BLM and the recent cop shooting in LA. His final guest is New York Times bestselling author, Dinesh D’Souza. Dinesh brings us his new movie, “Trump Card” and his new book, “United State of Socialism.”

Contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio or call 800-351-1212.

Point of View September 14, 2020 : Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Rafael Cruz

Monday, September 14, 2020

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In the first hour he is joined by Kathy Ward. Then in the next hour Kerby will share the latest news. And he’ll welcome Sarah Huckabee Sanders. They’ll discuss the current happenings in the presidential race and Sarah’s new book, “Speaking for Myself.” His final guest is Rafael Cruz. Rafael, father of Sen. Ted Cruz, escaped from Cuba and will share his life’s story.

This is an all-star line up, so please plan accordingly. Call us at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with your opinion or comments.

Point of View September 11, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, September 11, 2020

Our host, Kerby Anderson, will be joined by IPI’s Dr. Buddy Matthews and First Liberty’s Lathan Watts. Together they will look at the latest happenings in our nation and the world.

They’ll share their views and will want to hear yours. So, please give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join us on Facebook and leave your comment or question. That link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 10, 2020 : Lori Kuykendall, Michael Anton, Abraham Hamilton, III

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  During the first hour he brings us the latest stories from the headlines and then he welcomes Lori Kuykendall into the studio. They’ll talk about sex ed in Texas schools. Kerby’s guest in our second hour is Michael Anton. They’ll be talking about his new book: “The Stakes.”  In the final hour, Kerby welcomes Abraham Hamilton III. They’ll discuss Witchcraft and the BLM Movement.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 9, 2020 : Erin Valdez, Jonathan Scruggs, Paul Sullins, Kerri Toloczko, Kayla Stoecklein

Wedesday, September 9, 2020

Point of View‘s guest host today is Penna Dexter and she has a jam packed show!

Her first guest is Erin Valdez. They will talk about the Upside to the COVID-19 Disruption of Public Schools. Next up Penna welcomes Paul Sullins. He brings us the insider information on American Journal of Psychiatry correcting its Pro-Transgender Surgery Study. Penna’s next guest is Jonathan Scruggs. Attorney Scruggs is senior counsel with ADF. He & Penna will talk about the Chelsey Nelson Photography Case. Up next Penna welcomes Kerri Toloczko to the mic. Kerry is Vice President of Public Policy with  American Constitutional Rights Union. She will share ACRU’s Project to “Protect Military Votes.” Her final guest is Kayla Stoecklein. Kayla brings us her new book: “Fear Gone Wild.”

Don’t miss it. And please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 8, 2020 : Randy Peterson, George Barna, Robin Steele

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Our host Kerby Anderson has a jam-packed show today. First he spends some time with Randy Peterson. Randy is with Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Right on Crime. They’ll talk about improving the Police, and not defunding them. The next hour Kerby’s guest is Professor George Barna. His final guest is Robin Steele. Robin is the founder and lead pastor of Promise Land Church in San Marcos. He shares his new book: “How To Be Made Whole.” Then Kerby shares pertinent information from around the world.

Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with any comments.

Point of View September 7, 2020 : Rod Gragg,Kyle Idleman, Mark Hitchcock

Monday, September 7, 2020

Welcome to today’s Labor Day Show. Please enjoy the “Best of Point of View!”

During the first hour we hear from Rod Gragg, award-winning author of more than twenty books on topics in American history. He tells us about his book, My Brother’s Keeper: Christians who Risked all to protect Jewish targets from the Nazi Holocaust.

Our second hour Kerby welcomes pastor and author Kyle Idleman. He tells us more about his new book, Grace Is Greater: God’s Plan to Overcome Your Past, Redeem Your Pain, and Rewrite Your Story.

In the final hour, joining Kerby, is Bible prophecy expert, senior pastor, and adjunct faculty member at Dallas Theological Seminary, Mark Hitchcock. He discusses his book, The Coming Apostasy: Exposing the Sabotage of Christianity from Within.

Point of View September 4, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, September 4, 2020

Welcome to another fabulous weekend edition. Our host Kerby Anderson welcomes co-hosts Penna Dexter and, from First Liberty Institute, Kelly Shackelford. They will join him in studio and will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America from a Godly perspective. Their topics include racism, rioters, COVID-19, and much more. Abby Johnson a former clinic director from Planned Parenthood, joins them for a couple of segments to talk about the need for a Pro-Life administration.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 3, 2020 : Konni Burton, Paul Martin, Michael Knowles, Gina Dalfonzo

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Happy Thursday! Point of View has a great show lined up for you today!

Host Kerby Anderson welcomes Konni Burton, the publisher of the online news source, The Texan. Konni brings us information on The Texan‘s upcoming events. Kerby then brings us the latest news and his biblical viewpoints. And then Paul Martin joins Kerby to speak about Charitable Giving in the wake of COVID-19. Next, Kerby hosts Michael Knowles. Michael shares his perspective on Trump’s recent Executive Orders. Kerby’s final guest is Gina Dalfonzo. Gina has a new book: “Dorothy and Jack.

Join us by calling or posting on facebook. Phone: 800-351-1212 or Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 2, 2020 : Tom Gilson, Clare (C.L.) Gray, Jeff Nene

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Today’s program is hosted by Kerby Anderson. His first guest is Jeff Nene. Jeff, National Spokesperson for Convoy of Hope, speaks to Kerby about COH’s response to Hurricane Laura as he has spent the last week in Lake Charles. Kerby’s next guest is Tom Gilson, senior editor of The Stream. They’ll be talking about Tom’s new book, “Too Good to be False.”  Kerby’s final guest is Dr. Clare Gray. Dr. C.L. will bring his expertise on the serious need for Reform in the Medical Industry.

Please contact us with your comments and questions. Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join us on Facebook and leave your comment or question. That link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View September 1, 2020 : Nick Adams, Carter Page

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

On Point of View today, Kerby brings his wisdom and shares a biblical principle on the headlines. Then he welcomes back to the show internationally renowned conservative speaker, lecturer, best-selling author and media commentator, Nick Adams. He joins us to discuss his latest book, “Trump & Churchill.” Kerby’s final guest is Dr. Carter Page. He will join Kerby to talk about the Russian Investigation and the 2020 Election. It’s going to be an exciting show! Share with your friends!

He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask question on Facebook by clicking on the link: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View August 31, 2020 : Eric J. Bargerhuff, Gerard Robinson, Harry R. Jackson Jr.

Monday, August 31, 2020

Welcome to today’s show.  Kerby leads us through a review of the weekend and updates for the coming weeks. He welcomes Eric Bargerhuff. Dr. Bargerhuff brings us his latest book, “Why Is That in the Bible?” His next guest is Gerard Robinson, Vice President for Education at the Advanced Studies in Culture Foundation in Charlottesville, Virginia. They will discuss Gerard’s USA Today op-ed on policing and the black communities. And finally, we hear from Bishop Harry Jackson, senior pastor of Hope Christian Church in Washington, DC. He discusses his new book: “A Manifesto.

We will also take your calls, so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212. Or you can ask a question or make a statement on Facebook.

Point of View August 28, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, August 28, 2020

Our host Kerby Anderson welcomes co-hosts Kelly Shackelford, President & CEO of First Liberty, and Dr. Merrill (Buddy) Matthews, Resident Scholar at IPI. They will join him in studio for our Weekend Edition.  They will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America from a Godly perspective.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View August 27, 2020 : Charles Mizrahi, Steve Bulzoni, Larry Crabb

Thursday, August 27, 2020

On Point of View today Kerby shares from the headlines issues that affect our lives. On today’s show we hear from Charles Mizrahi. He joins Kerby to talk about the biblical roots of capitalism. Kerby’s next guest is Steve Bulzoni. From Encourage TV, Steve brings us a world-wide event! – A one time red carpet premiere screening of their soon to be released film LOST HEART. Finally, Kerby will talk with Larry Crab about his book, “Waiting for Heaven: Freedom from the Incurable Addiction to Self.

He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask question on Facebook by clicking on the link: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.

Point of View August 26, 2020 : Bradley L. Sickler, Andy Steiger, Stephen James

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

We talk more about Christian worldview today with our host Kerby Anderson. But first, Kerby welcomes Dr. Bradley Sickler. He has a new book: “God on the Brain.” Then author Andy Steiger joins Kerby to share his new book: “Reclaimed.” His final guest is Stephen James. Leadership counselor and author, Stephen brings his latest book: “Hope in the Age of Addiction.”

Please contact us with your perspective. Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or join us on Facebook and leave your comment or question. That link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.



Point on View August 25, 2020 : Paul Kengor, Eric Metaxas

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Today’s show is hosted by Kerby Anderson. He gives us a unique perspective on politics and today’s world news. His first guest is Prof. Paul Kengor who will discuss his new book: “The Devil & Karl Marx.” Then Eric Metaxas joins Kerby to talk about his new book, “Donald and the Fake News” that releases today.

Please participate with your questions or comments. You can reach us by phone at: 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 24, 2020 : Dr. William H. Marty, David Rubin

Monday, August 24, 2020

Kerby Anderson hosts today’s show. In the first hour Kerby will share the latest news, and update us on the weekend. His first guest is David Rubin. David, former mayor of Shiloh, Israel, brings a great perspective on the new Middle East peace deal. In the final hour, Kerby welcomes William Marty. He has a book that he’ll be sharing, the “Fascinating Bible Studies on Every Parable.”

Please call us at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with your opinion or comments.




Point of View August 21, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, August 21, 2020

Welcome to our Weekend Edition with host Kerby Anderson. He is joined in studio by co-hosts from Dr. Merrill (Buddy) Matthews from IPI, and from First Liberty, Jeremy Dys. Topics for discussion include: the November elections, how our Federal Government is sanctioning BLM, the spread of COVID-19, the November elections, and the cancel culture. It promises to be an exceptional show.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 20 , 2020 : Greg Laurie, Anthony Schmidt, Audrea Decker

Thursday, August 20 , 2020

Join Kerby Anderson as he brings a biblical perspective on today’s headlines. His first guest is Audrea Decker with My Faith Votes. They’ll talk about the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment. Then he welcomes Anthony Schmidt. Anthony will share the new Museum Of The Bible’s Corrie Ten Boom exhibit. And his final guest is Greg Laurie. Greg is Senior Pastor of Harvest Christian Fellowship and he joins Kerby to discuss A cinematic crusade: Rush of Hope.

We would love to hear from you. Give us a call at 800-351-1212 or post your question or comment on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 19, 2020 : Bob Pritchett, Eric Mock, Robert L. Woodson, Sr.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Kerby hosts our show and begins with updates from today’s top news stories. Then his guests are Bob Pritchett, Eric Mock, and Bob Woodson. Bob Pritchett is the President and CEO of Faithlife. He and Kerby will discuss Bible Engagement During COVID-19. Eric Mock then brings us an update from Slavic Gospel Association. Finally, Bob Woodson shares the industry of racial grievances.

Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is  800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 18, 2020 : Millennial Round Table

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Welcome to Point of View’s Millennial Round Table – hosted by Chelsey Youman! The Round Table today consists of Chelsey, Jonathan Teague, and Shane Pruitt. Rasool Berry of The Bridge Church in Brooklyn will also join them by phone.

What are the issues that Millennials are currently concerned about? Listen in to hear a Godly point of view.

Please call in or post questions on Facebook! Our phone number is  800-351-1212 and the Facebook link is: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 17, 2020 : Chip Ingram, Bobby Parmar

Monday, August 17, 2020

Today Point of View’s host is our own Kerby Anderson!  During the first hour he brings us an update from the weekend. Kerby’s guest in our second hour is Chip Ingram. They’ll be talking about his new book, releasing tomorrow, “Discover Your True Self.” In the final hour, Kerby welcomes Bobby Parmar. Bobby will share the new film: Fishing with Dynamite. It’s a documentary film that explores the contentious history of American corporate culture.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 14, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, August 14, 2020

Welcome to another fabulous weekend edition. Our host Kerby Anderson welcomes co-hosts Penna Dexter and, from First Liberty, Kelly Shackelford. They will join him in studio and will have all the insider knowledge on what’s happening in America from a Godly perspective. Their topics include racism, rioters, COVID-19, and much more.

Please call or contact us with your perspective, call 800-351-1212 or you can post a comment or question on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 13, 2020 : Sean Dunn, Spencer Klavan

Thursday, August 13, 2020

On Point of View today Kerby shares from the headlines issues that affect our lives. Up next on today’s show we hear from Sean Dunn, who will join Kerby in studio to talk about Groundwire. Finally, Kerby will talk with Spencer Klavan about the Young Heretics Podcast.

He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask question on Facebook by clicking on the link: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 12, 2020 : Patrick Schreiner, Neal Harmon, George Barna, Tim Wildmon

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Our host Kerby Anderson has a jam-packed show today. First he spends some time with pertinent information from around the world. Then he welcomes Patrick Schreiner who brings us his new book: “The Ascension of Christ.” Then CEO and co-founder of VidAngel, Neal Harmon joins Kerby. They’ll discuss VidAngel & the hit “The Chosen.” During the final hour, Kerby’s guests are Professor George Barna and Tim Wildmon. Professor Barna will talk about Americans’ flawed views on salvation, and President of American Family Radio, Tim Wildmon will talk about Chase Davis & threats against AFA.

Please call 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with any comments.



Point of View August 11, 2020 : John Graves, Laurie Higgins, Lindsey Burke, Tim Winter

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Point of View‘s guest host today is Penna Dexter. Her first guest is John Graves, President of Vision America. They will talk about the upcoming Million Voices Program. Next up Penna welcomes Laurie Higgins. Laurie’s topic is education in a pro-propaganda culture. Penna’s next guest is Lindsey Burke. Lindsey is with Heritage Foundation and will discuss Pandemic Pods, an alternative to class room or online education. Her final guest is Tim Winter. He and Penna will discuss the irony of Hollywood rethinking sex scenes.

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on Facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 10, 2020 : Dr. Jim Denison, John Yoo

Monday, August 10, 2020

Today’s jam packed show has our host, Kerby Anderson, bringing us an update on the weekend’s top stories. He’ll talk with Dr. Jim Denison from The Denison Forum.  They’ll be talking about the ongoing arguments concerning masks and churches. Kerby’s guest in the final hour is John Yoo who brings us his new book: “Defender in Chief“.

Please call us with your opinion at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 7, 2020 : Weekend Edition

Friday, August 7, 2020

Today’s Weekend Edition is hosted by Kerby Anderson. With Penna Dexter and IPI’s Dr. Merrill Matthews, they will discuss the issue of religious freedom, trending health and education stories, and the upcoming elections.

Please participate with your questions or comments. You can reach us by phone at: 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio.




Point of View August 6, 2020 : Matthew Dominguez, Pat Nolan, Richard E. Simmons

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Today on Point of View, Kerby welcomes Matthew Dominguez who has a book to share: Inklings on Philosophy and Worldview. His next guest is Pat Nolan, who joins Kerby to talk about the Nolan Center for Justice Reform. The final guest is  Richard E. Simmons, founder and executive director for The Center for Executive Leadership, a faith-based outreach in Birmingham, Alabama. He, too, has a book: Reflections on the Existence of God.

Please call us at 800-351-1212 or contact us on facebook at facebook.com/pointofviewradio with your opinion or comments.





Point of View August 5, 2020 : Sandra Glahn, Glenn Kreider, Andrew McDiarmid

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

On Point of View today Kerby shares from the headlines issues that affect our lives. Up next on today’s show we hear from Glenn Kreider, ThM, PhD & Sandra Glahn, ThM, PhD. They will join Kerby in studio to talk about Sexual Identity & Gender StereotypesFinally, Kerby will talk with media specialist Andrew McDiarmid about glorifying God with our technology.

He will take your calls so give us a call in-studio at 800-351-1212 or you can ask question on Facebook by clicking on the link: facebook.com/pointofviewradio.